If you walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, you are on the sure path of holiness.

Santíssima Virgem, concedei-me, peço-vos, a graça de ser uma santa.

I also highly recommend to you: be attentive to God’s presence; this exercise would help you move forward in giant steps toward holiness.

Desejo que a Santíssima Virgem vos dê uma daquelas brasas de fogo que vos inflamarão no amor de Deus.

Pensemos que Jesus Cristo é o único tesouro que devemos possuir na eternidade; desejemo-lo unicamente, amemo-lo somente, pensemos exclusivamente n’Ele, trabalhemos só para Ele.

Holiness does not come all of a sudden, but it is formed little by little through well-done actions. Holiness does not consist in doing exceptional things, but in doing as perfectly as possible what is asked of us y the duties of the state in which God has placed us.

Être un saint ne dépend que de vous. sur vous ; vous pouvez l’être si vous le voulez vraiment, le veulent vraiment. Vous ne manquez pas de grâces ni les moyens.

Ah ! Cómo quisiera que el mundo se convirtiera y que nuestra Congregación llevase el fuego del amor de Dios y el conocimiento de Jesucristo a todas partes, ¡así sea!

Mettez la sainteté dans toutes vos actions a verdadera santidad es la que el Espíritu opera en nosotras cuando nos dejamos modelar.

Mientras haya un rincón en la tierra donde no se conozca y ame a Jesucristo, las hijas de la Mujer Apóstol no podrán descansar.

Vous sommes toutes appelées à la sainteté et nous avons toutes les grâces qui nous sont nécessaires pour y parvenir.

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To our website marierivier.org


What’s in a name?

Marie Rivier’s website is created to cover the Canonization events of the Congregation and afterward remains to be a content website for our Saint Marie Rivier. She lived a communicative faith. She lived and proclaimed Jesus Christ throughout her entire life! today she implores us to become an open Gospel where everyone can read Jesus Christ.

The website marierivier.org is an international website. Its contributors are from different countries with diverse cultures and languages. You will find diverse languages used on the website pages. The use of diverse language is an attempt to explore the diversity of style of writing, the different perspectives, the beauty of languages, and the colorful world of faith of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary in the four continents of Africa, and Asia, Europe, and  The Americas. Interculturality is a value that has a deep rootedness in the history of the congregation, Saint Marie Rivier’s heart embraces all for our God is a God who embraces all of us as brothers and sisters!

Welcome to marierivier.org