The time has finally come…the desire of our hearts will be fulfilled. At long last, the whole church can call Mother Rivier, Saint Marie Rivier.
The announcement of the date of canonization was last March 4 and soon after we started to organize the Canonization events. In a short time, we can be proud of ourselves! Our God is a God of surprises and He is always in our aid to live well his surprises which had exploded the PM world with beautiful emotions of great joy! Thanksgiving and offering!Beginning today, May 12 the Canonization delegation has began to visit the General house in Castle Gandolfo. Each of them brings joy from their Province, Region, and Mission. Together, let us spread happiness!
The Provinces, Regions, and Missions are encouraged to be creative and inventive to celebrate the YEAR OF CANONIZATION. In this way, we will prolong our Canonization experiences and we will have the time to savor the graces received. Magnificat!